TangoCamp Workshop „Turns 2“

TangoCamp Workshop „Turns 2“


3 April, 2022

Beginn um



Tango VidaMia

Wellcome to VidaMia TangoCamp with Sara Grdan & Ivan Terrazas

Developing turns to a further level, you experience on different turns around a single axis for leaders as well as followers.  Turns with adornments like Lápiz, Planeos and Enrosques for both roles are trained and evolved. At least You will combine all different types of turns around common or single axis and include Sacadas and Barridas based on Your individual level of dancing. The Workshop Turns 1 is recommended as a good bases for this second Workshop about turns.

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.


Gesamtzahl Plätze: 14 (14 frei:)
  • Tango VidaMia
  • Am Botanischen Garten 2
  • Köln
  • ÖPNV: U-Bahn Linie 18
  • Station Zoo/Flora

detaillierter Zeitplan

  • 3 April, 2022 15:00   -   16:30
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